Learning Enrichment
Which students at BHCS can benefit from Learning Enrichment? All of them!
Learning Enrichment is offered for students at BHCS as part of our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) program. MTSS is a framework used by schools across the country to meet students where they are. Just as struggling students in our building receive the supports they need to move forward, those who demonstrate mastery of certain subjects are given supports so that they can continue to grow academically and intellectually. Every brain deserves to grow!

These students helped create a bulletin board to match this year’s school theme.

This scarf represents the temperature in the Gulf of Maine for each day.

Students use a quadrat to count the number of green crabs in an area.

Giving praise to a BHCS student for her climate scarf.

A student reflects on her learning after teaching a third grade class some games about ocean animals.

A student figures out the best ratio of ingredients to cause the best eruption.

Students recorded a video of their lab activity.

5th Graders learn the various types of seaweed.

5th Graders play a Kahoot all about seaweed.

Students examine bees and mites under a microscope.

Tide Pool Investigation.

Learning Enrichment services are provided based on three tiers.
Tier 1: This level of support is provided for 100% of our students. Full classroom enrichment activities are provided for students based on schoolwide themes or other topics at the request of classroom teachers.
Tier 2: This level of support is provided for students whose AimsWeb or NWEA scores are above grade level. Tier 2 support is provided for approximately 20% of students, and can include enrichment materials for students to complete within the regular classroom. It may also include opportunities to work in small groups outside of the regular classroom.
Tier 3: This level of support is provided for students who have been identified as Gifted and Talented, based on input from classroom teachers, academic performance, and scores on standardized tests including the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT3). This is a small group of students, approximately 5% of any school population are in this category (Gifted and Talented Education - Maine.gov). Tier 3 students may receive support that is one-on-one and/or in small groups.
If you have questions about the program, please contact Ms. Nell Herrmann.